Shinjite Okuridashita Imouto ga Ikaryaku!
Baquartet to Otona no Omamagoto! | Playing Grown-Up with the Idiot Four!
Natsu Shichatteru?
Kagerou to Wan Wan O!! | Barking with Kagerou!
Usagi Zukushi
Yousei-tachi to Otona no Omamagoto? | The Playhouse for the Fairies and Adult?
Nitori to Asobo! | Playing with Nitori!
Luna-cha to Otona no Omamagoto? | Playing Adult House with Luna Child?
Ookikuna ~ Re!? | Grow Big?!
Oshikake Amanojaku | An Intruding Amanojaku